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Sep 21, 2023

In the timeless terrains of the Douro region in northern Portugal, a world steeped in ancient traditions and hard-won knowledge of viticulture finds its contemporary embodiment in the Wine Museum crafted by Atelier 405.

São João da Pesqueira, the vibrant heartbeat of this illustrious region, now harbors a space where the rich legacies of wine production are not merely showcased but celebrated in an architectural narrative that is both intimate and monumental. The very placement of the museum, partly ensconced beneath the ground, evokes a profound reverence for the land that has cradled viticulture for centuries; it’s an understated yet poignant acknowledgement of the symbiotic relationship between the region's inhabitants and the nurturing soil.

As one ventures into this space, there is an intuitive alignment with the universe of wine making, facilitated by an intelligent orchestration of elements that are as earthy as they are sophisticated. The nineteenth-century wine press building, restored and assimilated into the main exhibition, stands as a sentinel to time-honored methods, offering tactile testimony to the painstaking yet poetic processes of a bygone era. It is in this space that one can witness wine birthed from an archaic process, a living exhibit grounding the visitor in the deep-seated traditions that have characterized the region’s wine culture. Concurrently, the gallery lends itself to temporary exhibitions, providing a canvas for an ever-evolving dialogue with contemporary expressions.

Within the primary building, the vertically stacked edifice of six floors unfurls in a delicate choreography of light and shadow, ushered through tunnels and galleries where discerning gaps between levels facilitate an exploration of differing visual relations. This play of illumination is tenderly held within a symphony of materials - the warm embrace of textured wood meeting the stoic strength of raw concrete walls, orchestrating a vibrant dialogue between textures that echo the robust and delicate notes present in a well-aged bottle of wine. The concave glass steel structure, draped in brown zinc, bathes the interiors with sunlight, subtly alluding to the gradual ripening of grapes under the gentle caress of the sun. Thus, in the Wine Museum, Atelier 405 has birthed a space that doesn’t just archive the past but pays homage to it, weaving a tapestry of time, where ancient lore meets modern ingenuity in a continuum of the Douro region's rich viticultural narrative.

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Sep 21, 2023

In the timeless terrains of the Douro region in northern Portugal, a world steeped in ancient traditions and hard-won knowledge of viticulture finds its contemporary embodiment in the Wine Museum crafted by Atelier 405.

São João da Pesqueira, the vibrant heartbeat of this illustrious region, now harbors a space where the rich legacies of wine production are not merely showcased but celebrated in an architectural narrative that is both intimate and monumental. The very placement of the museum, partly ensconced beneath the ground, evokes a profound reverence for the land that has cradled viticulture for centuries; it’s an understated yet poignant acknowledgement of the symbiotic relationship between the region's inhabitants and the nurturing soil.

As one ventures into this space, there is an intuitive alignment with the universe of wine making, facilitated by an intelligent orchestration of elements that are as earthy as they are sophisticated. The nineteenth-century wine press building, restored and assimilated into the main exhibition, stands as a sentinel to time-honored methods, offering tactile testimony to the painstaking yet poetic processes of a bygone era. It is in this space that one can witness wine birthed from an archaic process, a living exhibit grounding the visitor in the deep-seated traditions that have characterized the region’s wine culture. Concurrently, the gallery lends itself to temporary exhibitions, providing a canvas for an ever-evolving dialogue with contemporary expressions.

Within the primary building, the vertically stacked edifice of six floors unfurls in a delicate choreography of light and shadow, ushered through tunnels and galleries where discerning gaps between levels facilitate an exploration of differing visual relations. This play of illumination is tenderly held within a symphony of materials - the warm embrace of textured wood meeting the stoic strength of raw concrete walls, orchestrating a vibrant dialogue between textures that echo the robust and delicate notes present in a well-aged bottle of wine. The concave glass steel structure, draped in brown zinc, bathes the interiors with sunlight, subtly alluding to the gradual ripening of grapes under the gentle caress of the sun. Thus, in the Wine Museum, Atelier 405 has birthed a space that doesn’t just archive the past but pays homage to it, weaving a tapestry of time, where ancient lore meets modern ingenuity in a continuum of the Douro region's rich viticultural narrative.

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