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Hitoshi Arato
May 31, 2022

Located on a mountainside in the beautiful Trin village in Switzerland, this moder concrete house was renovated by Schneller Caminada Architects in 2016.

This three-story single-family dwelling features a light concrete exterior which boasts local pigments, a fenestration that optimizes the views, and a steep gabled roof. An annex, which provides parking space for two cars, anchors the building in the landscape while also defining the entrance.

The material continues throughout the interior, where a tasteful blend of concrete and wooden surfaces can be found. Clean lines and simplicity define the modern living spaces, featuring different ceiling heights as well as different orientations. The house contains a living room, dining room and kitchen, two bedrooms, a library, and a studio, all accessible via a central core. Glazed panels allow stunning views and plenty of natural light within the home. The stylish contemporary design is a brilliant example of when old becomes new.

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Hitoshi Arato
May 31, 2022

Located on a mountainside in the beautiful Trin village in Switzerland, this moder concrete house was renovated by Schneller Caminada Architects in 2016.

This three-story single-family dwelling features a light concrete exterior which boasts local pigments, a fenestration that optimizes the views, and a steep gabled roof. An annex, which provides parking space for two cars, anchors the building in the landscape while also defining the entrance.

The material continues throughout the interior, where a tasteful blend of concrete and wooden surfaces can be found. Clean lines and simplicity define the modern living spaces, featuring different ceiling heights as well as different orientations. The house contains a living room, dining room and kitchen, two bedrooms, a library, and a studio, all accessible via a central core. Glazed panels allow stunning views and plenty of natural light within the home. The stylish contemporary design is a brilliant example of when old becomes new.

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