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Mar 11, 2022

Andreas Gysin's work brings together graphics, animation and creative coding to develop custom programs oriented toward a different output according to the medium chosen.

Born in 1975 in Zürich, Switzerland, lives and works in Lugano. Andreas is also half of the duo Gysin-Vanetti which was listed among “Collection Cahiers d’Artistes” by Pro Helvetia in 2013. His art practice focuses mainly on kinetic and interactive programs, objects and installations.

The visual characteristics and configurations (color, form) and the internals (mechanics, electronics) are the center aspects of his work which began in 2007 by designing and programming a custom-built split-flap display. Later this approach extended to other signage systems and objects, kinetic and static. An important aspect of the work is the displacement and the reconfiguration of these informative elements, removing the original function but enabling a different and new reading of the forms.

He teaches interaction design and programming at ECAL, Lausanne and in SUPSI, Lugano and in workshops worldwide.

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Mar 11, 2022

Andreas Gysin's work brings together graphics, animation and creative coding to develop custom programs oriented toward a different output according to the medium chosen.

Born in 1975 in Zürich, Switzerland, lives and works in Lugano. Andreas is also half of the duo Gysin-Vanetti which was listed among “Collection Cahiers d’Artistes” by Pro Helvetia in 2013. His art practice focuses mainly on kinetic and interactive programs, objects and installations.

The visual characteristics and configurations (color, form) and the internals (mechanics, electronics) are the center aspects of his work which began in 2007 by designing and programming a custom-built split-flap display. Later this approach extended to other signage systems and objects, kinetic and static. An important aspect of the work is the displacement and the reconfiguration of these informative elements, removing the original function but enabling a different and new reading of the forms.

He teaches interaction design and programming at ECAL, Lausanne and in SUPSI, Lugano and in workshops worldwide.

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