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Zuzanna Gasior
Sep 29, 2023

In Quinta do Mitra, Brandão Costa Arquitectos offers a lesson in evolution, demonstrating that with respect and imagination, the old can seamlessly transition into the new, without ever losing its soul.

There's an elegant harmony in the way the past and present intermingle at Quinta do Mitra. This isn't about reinventing the past, nor is it about erasing it. The careful retention of the building’s original stone walls encapsulates a certain respect for what once was, allowing glimpses of its former self, weathered yet still standing tall. The juxtaposition of these walls, remnants of a bygone era, against the lively hum of a municipal service hub, feels almost poetic.

What distinguishes this undertaking from mere restoration is its avoidance of pastiche. It isn't about recreating what once existed but has since lost relevance due to evolving urban landscapes. It's more about infusing renewed purpose, while ensuring that the building's inherent character – its rugged essence – remains undiminished. Environmentally aware choices punctuate this intent; the conscious decision to eschew heavy concrete and ceramics in favor of sustainable wood and metal underscores a commitment not just to the building but to the world it stands in.

Externally and within, one can sense this harmonious dance of epochs. As it nestles amidst the verdant sweep of the TIC urban park, Quinta do Mitra offers a compelling narrative of contrasts – the old set against the new, the weathered against the modern. The roof, treated with subtlety, and the modern amenities amplify the age-old stone walls, the only constants in this tale of transformation.

And within its confines, the erstwhile chapel sees a renewed purpose, evolving into a contemporary auditorium – a space of convergence and dialogue. Perhaps the most emblematic feature of this new chapter is the glass roof, allowing natural light to cascade in, filling the space with an almost ethereal glow, uniting the monumental with the modern.

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Zuzanna Gasior
Sep 29, 2023

In Quinta do Mitra, Brandão Costa Arquitectos offers a lesson in evolution, demonstrating that with respect and imagination, the old can seamlessly transition into the new, without ever losing its soul.

There's an elegant harmony in the way the past and present intermingle at Quinta do Mitra. This isn't about reinventing the past, nor is it about erasing it. The careful retention of the building’s original stone walls encapsulates a certain respect for what once was, allowing glimpses of its former self, weathered yet still standing tall. The juxtaposition of these walls, remnants of a bygone era, against the lively hum of a municipal service hub, feels almost poetic.

What distinguishes this undertaking from mere restoration is its avoidance of pastiche. It isn't about recreating what once existed but has since lost relevance due to evolving urban landscapes. It's more about infusing renewed purpose, while ensuring that the building's inherent character – its rugged essence – remains undiminished. Environmentally aware choices punctuate this intent; the conscious decision to eschew heavy concrete and ceramics in favor of sustainable wood and metal underscores a commitment not just to the building but to the world it stands in.

Externally and within, one can sense this harmonious dance of epochs. As it nestles amidst the verdant sweep of the TIC urban park, Quinta do Mitra offers a compelling narrative of contrasts – the old set against the new, the weathered against the modern. The roof, treated with subtlety, and the modern amenities amplify the age-old stone walls, the only constants in this tale of transformation.

And within its confines, the erstwhile chapel sees a renewed purpose, evolving into a contemporary auditorium – a space of convergence and dialogue. Perhaps the most emblematic feature of this new chapter is the glass roof, allowing natural light to cascade in, filling the space with an almost ethereal glow, uniting the monumental with the modern.

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