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Apr 10, 2022

Memo Akten's latest art series, "Deep Life," delves into the world of AI-generated creatures, blurring the lines between the natural and the artificial.

Using cutting-edge deep learning techniques, Akten co-creates a variety of semi-fictitious critters that embody the diversity and splendor of the strange and unusual.

With this series, Akten aims to pay homage to the often-overlooked inhabitants of our planet, highlighting their integral role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. The series features a wide range of unique and captivating creatures, each one a product of Akten's collaboration with AI algorithms.

"Deep Life" is not only a visual feast, but also a thought-provoking commentary on the relationship between technology and nature. By using AI to create these semi-fictitious critters, Akten challenges our perceptions of what is real and what is not, and invites us to consider the implications of our increasing technological advances.

Through this series, Akten pushes the boundaries of art and science, showcasing the potential of technology to augment and enhance the creative process. The final pieces are not only works of art, but also a call to action to protect and preserve the diversity of life on Earth. With "Deep Life", Akten invites us to question the line between the natural and the artificial, and to appreciate the beauty and importance of all creatures, big or small, real or imagined.

Memo Akten (born 1975) is an artist and creative technologist based in London (UK). He is known for the reappropriation of advanced electronics, software and hardware systems to create multimedia experiences that he describes as an attempt to "change our perceptions on our relationship with science, nature technology and culture".

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Apr 10, 2022

Memo Akten's latest art series, "Deep Life," delves into the world of AI-generated creatures, blurring the lines between the natural and the artificial.

Using cutting-edge deep learning techniques, Akten co-creates a variety of semi-fictitious critters that embody the diversity and splendor of the strange and unusual.

With this series, Akten aims to pay homage to the often-overlooked inhabitants of our planet, highlighting their integral role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. The series features a wide range of unique and captivating creatures, each one a product of Akten's collaboration with AI algorithms.

"Deep Life" is not only a visual feast, but also a thought-provoking commentary on the relationship between technology and nature. By using AI to create these semi-fictitious critters, Akten challenges our perceptions of what is real and what is not, and invites us to consider the implications of our increasing technological advances.

Through this series, Akten pushes the boundaries of art and science, showcasing the potential of technology to augment and enhance the creative process. The final pieces are not only works of art, but also a call to action to protect and preserve the diversity of life on Earth. With "Deep Life", Akten invites us to question the line between the natural and the artificial, and to appreciate the beauty and importance of all creatures, big or small, real or imagined.

Memo Akten (born 1975) is an artist and creative technologist based in London (UK). He is known for the reappropriation of advanced electronics, software and hardware systems to create multimedia experiences that he describes as an attempt to "change our perceptions on our relationship with science, nature technology and culture".

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