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Selected AI works by Mario Klingemann
Mar 30, 2022

Mario Klingemann is an artist who uses al­go­rithms and artificial in­tel­li­gence to cre­ate and in­ves­ti­gate systems.

Klingemann is driven by a deep desire to understand, question and subvert the inner workings of systems. He also has a deep interest in human perception and aesthetic theory. In order to surprise himself and his audience, Klingemann explores uncharted territories to discover unseen beauty and unthought ideas.

Describing his oeuvre, Klingemann noted, “If there is one common denominator it’s my desire to understand, question and subvert the inner workings of systems of any kind.” The resulting work – from grotesque “neurographs” arrived at through a Tinder-like voting system, to an infinite stream of entirely machine-generated portraits – challenges traditional media and aesthetic principles, offering a tantalizing glimpse into what the future may hold for contemporary art.

His artistic research spans a wide range of areas like generative art, cybernetic aes­thet­ics, infor­ma­tion the­ory, feedback loops, pattern recog­ni­tion, emer­gent behav­iours, neural networks, cultural heritage data or story­telling.

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Mar 30, 2022

Mario Klingemann is an artist who uses al­go­rithms and artificial in­tel­li­gence to cre­ate and in­ves­ti­gate systems.

Klingemann is driven by a deep desire to understand, question and subvert the inner workings of systems. He also has a deep interest in human perception and aesthetic theory. In order to surprise himself and his audience, Klingemann explores uncharted territories to discover unseen beauty and unthought ideas.

Describing his oeuvre, Klingemann noted, “If there is one common denominator it’s my desire to understand, question and subvert the inner workings of systems of any kind.” The resulting work – from grotesque “neurographs” arrived at through a Tinder-like voting system, to an infinite stream of entirely machine-generated portraits – challenges traditional media and aesthetic principles, offering a tantalizing glimpse into what the future may hold for contemporary art.

His artistic research spans a wide range of areas like generative art, cybernetic aes­thet­ics, infor­ma­tion the­ory, feedback loops, pattern recog­ni­tion, emer­gent behav­iours, neural networks, cultural heritage data or story­telling.

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