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Zuzanna Gasior
Oct 5, 2023

Laurids Gallée's design journey, originating from the scholarly realms of anthropology and culminating in the workshops of Rotterdam, finds its most compelling manifestation in the Tralucid collection.

The Austrian designer, with an education from the revered Design Academy Eindhoven and practical experience under the mentorship of Chris Kabel, has cultivated a unique voice. His time at S.T.R.S., navigating the complexities of high-tech design solutions, further refined his approach.

Gallée's design ethos is a dialogue between the ages: tradition meets innovation. His studio in Rotterdam, established in 2017, became the crucible for such experiments.

Central to his oeuvre is the Tralucide collection. Beyond mere objects, these pieces exemplify Gallée’s design philosophy. Using transparent building blocks, he crafts architectural entities that play with light, creating intricate shadow patterns. Simultaneously, these creations showcase an uncanny ability to complement and elevate their surroundings.

In Gallée's work, the past isn't overwritten but layered upon. The Tralucide collection, with its clear lines and thoughtful transparency, is a testament to this delicate balance. In essence, it’s not just about viewing design but experiencing the continuum of legacy and innovation.

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Zuzanna Gasior
Oct 5, 2023

Laurids Gallée's design journey, originating from the scholarly realms of anthropology and culminating in the workshops of Rotterdam, finds its most compelling manifestation in the Tralucid collection.

The Austrian designer, with an education from the revered Design Academy Eindhoven and practical experience under the mentorship of Chris Kabel, has cultivated a unique voice. His time at S.T.R.S., navigating the complexities of high-tech design solutions, further refined his approach.

Gallée's design ethos is a dialogue between the ages: tradition meets innovation. His studio in Rotterdam, established in 2017, became the crucible for such experiments.

Central to his oeuvre is the Tralucide collection. Beyond mere objects, these pieces exemplify Gallée’s design philosophy. Using transparent building blocks, he crafts architectural entities that play with light, creating intricate shadow patterns. Simultaneously, these creations showcase an uncanny ability to complement and elevate their surroundings.

In Gallée's work, the past isn't overwritten but layered upon. The Tralucide collection, with its clear lines and thoughtful transparency, is a testament to this delicate balance. In essence, it’s not just about viewing design but experiencing the continuum of legacy and innovation.

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