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Zuzanna Gasior
Aug 10, 2023

Thérèse, a captivating living sculpture was born from the echoes of Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz's writings and the innovative minds of visionary architects from BUREAU.

Taking its inspiration from Ramuz's fictional characters - Antoine, his wife, and uncle - whose poignant lives unfolded amidst a historic rock-fall tragedy in 1714, Thérèse breathes life into their fictional existence. Designed and built in 2022, she joins her predecessor, Antoine, as an embodiment of the harmonious fusion between art and nature.

The visionary architects behind this imaginative endeavor, driven by a passion for storytelling and artful expression, have skillfully metamorphosed the characters from the pages of the novel into tangible physical realities. Thérèse, an enigmatic architectural creature, stands as a living testament to the creative prowess that intertwines the realms of fiction and reality.

Set amidst the artistic community of "Bermuda," a mesmerizing residency and production site in Sergy, France, Thérèse finds herself immersed in a territory of artistic influences and affinities. Here, she assumes the role of an interconnected hub, welcoming artists, nomadic inhabitants, and nature enthusiasts alike into her wooden embrace.

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Zuzanna Gasior
Aug 10, 2023

Thérèse, a captivating living sculpture was born from the echoes of Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz's writings and the innovative minds of visionary architects from BUREAU.

Taking its inspiration from Ramuz's fictional characters - Antoine, his wife, and uncle - whose poignant lives unfolded amidst a historic rock-fall tragedy in 1714, Thérèse breathes life into their fictional existence. Designed and built in 2022, she joins her predecessor, Antoine, as an embodiment of the harmonious fusion between art and nature.

The visionary architects behind this imaginative endeavor, driven by a passion for storytelling and artful expression, have skillfully metamorphosed the characters from the pages of the novel into tangible physical realities. Thérèse, an enigmatic architectural creature, stands as a living testament to the creative prowess that intertwines the realms of fiction and reality.

Set amidst the artistic community of "Bermuda," a mesmerizing residency and production site in Sergy, France, Thérèse finds herself immersed in a territory of artistic influences and affinities. Here, she assumes the role of an interconnected hub, welcoming artists, nomadic inhabitants, and nature enthusiasts alike into her wooden embrace.

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