Synthesis Monolith by Hongjie Yang investigates the transformative properties of metal, tracing in a single totemic object the primitive origins of aluminium and steel in ores through to their emergence as highly polished artificial materials.
The experimental casting method combines ancient techniques with contemporary technology, expressed in the convergence of natural and machined surfaces. The reflective exterior brings the viewer’s living presence into the sculpture’s aesthetic and form, seeking to evoke a state of contemplation.
Hongjie Yang’s work explores the interconnectedness between humans, nature and the cosmos, understanding all levels of existence to be structured analogically and to be equal in detail. Together, those elements form an interdependent whole and Yang works specifically with the resulting in-between spaces, pursuing a corresponding idea of oneness. Yang received a Masters Degree in contextual design from Design Academy Eindhoven in 2015. He is based in the Netherlands.