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Zuzanna Gasior
Sep 5, 2023

Marc Leschelier is a Paris-based sculptor and architect who has carved a distinctive niche in the world of contemporary art.

His innovative approach to architecture transcends the conventional boundaries of function, regulation, and technical precision, giving birth to a unique architectural genre.

At the heart of Leschelier's artistic vision lies the belief that architecture is more than just functional structures; it is an amalgamation of opposing forces—fluid materials and geometric elements coming together in a delicate dance. His work serves as a visual representation of these architectural "entrails," capturing the synthesis of raw materials and the transformative process from industrial matter to evocative forms.

Leschelier embraces direct construction. This method is marked by spontaneity and improvisation, where the act of building unfolds in real-time. Drawings, systems, and qualifications are cast aside, and the structure emerges through negotiations and abstract maneuvers.

His direct construction is akin to primitive and vernacular techniques, where plans are etched directly onto the ground, materials are applied, and the building's shape is a dynamic negotiation rather than a predefined design. The act of construction is liberated from its utilitarian purpose, creating a space brimming with potentiality.

In some works Leschelier has pushed the boundaries of his creative expression. 'Concrete Canvas', a material traditionally used for land development, takes on a new life in his hands. This soft cement-filled textile, when wetted, solidifies into a robust structure. Leschelier redirects this material from its original purpose to craft architectural sculptures directly on-site. This innovative use eliminates the need for drawings or predetermined forms, embracing the spontaneity of creation.

Marc Leschelier's work transcends the traditional boundaries of architecture and sculpture, blurring the lines between the two disciplines. His installations can be found in private gardens, sculpture parks, and institutions that provide creative freedom unconstrained by urban regulations. The artist's work has been showcased on the international stage, from prestigious art fairs like Art Brussels and Frieze Los Angeles to exhibitions at the Venice Architecture Biennale and Tallinn Art Biennale. He has also left a mark with permanent and ephemeral architectural installations at events like Horst Arts and Music Festival, Spazio Maiocchi, and Piacé le Radieux.

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Zuzanna Gasior
Sep 5, 2023

Marc Leschelier is a Paris-based sculptor and architect who has carved a distinctive niche in the world of contemporary art.

His innovative approach to architecture transcends the conventional boundaries of function, regulation, and technical precision, giving birth to a unique architectural genre.

At the heart of Leschelier's artistic vision lies the belief that architecture is more than just functional structures; it is an amalgamation of opposing forces—fluid materials and geometric elements coming together in a delicate dance. His work serves as a visual representation of these architectural "entrails," capturing the synthesis of raw materials and the transformative process from industrial matter to evocative forms.

Leschelier embraces direct construction. This method is marked by spontaneity and improvisation, where the act of building unfolds in real-time. Drawings, systems, and qualifications are cast aside, and the structure emerges through negotiations and abstract maneuvers.

His direct construction is akin to primitive and vernacular techniques, where plans are etched directly onto the ground, materials are applied, and the building's shape is a dynamic negotiation rather than a predefined design. The act of construction is liberated from its utilitarian purpose, creating a space brimming with potentiality.

In some works Leschelier has pushed the boundaries of his creative expression. 'Concrete Canvas', a material traditionally used for land development, takes on a new life in his hands. This soft cement-filled textile, when wetted, solidifies into a robust structure. Leschelier redirects this material from its original purpose to craft architectural sculptures directly on-site. This innovative use eliminates the need for drawings or predetermined forms, embracing the spontaneity of creation.

Marc Leschelier's work transcends the traditional boundaries of architecture and sculpture, blurring the lines between the two disciplines. His installations can be found in private gardens, sculpture parks, and institutions that provide creative freedom unconstrained by urban regulations. The artist's work has been showcased on the international stage, from prestigious art fairs like Art Brussels and Frieze Los Angeles to exhibitions at the Venice Architecture Biennale and Tallinn Art Biennale. He has also left a mark with permanent and ephemeral architectural installations at events like Horst Arts and Music Festival, Spazio Maiocchi, and Piacé le Radieux.

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