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Jun 14, 2020

Helsinki-based designer, Robin Falck, has designed a zero-emission cabin, where every detail from decoration to heating has been executed with sustainable solutions.

With their Journey to Zero campaign, launching the summer of 2018, Finnish renewable energy company Neste was looking for ways to build a world with minimal emissions. The first lap of this journey, the Nolla cabin, was a challenge for Robin Falck to design and demonstrate a way of living that has a minimal carbon footprint in every aspect.

The cabin functions entirely on renewable energy and excludes most modern commodities. The cabin itself is a compact and entirely mobile 10m 2 dwelling, that can be assembled, dissembled and transported without any heavy machinery. It demonstrates a low-impact daily life, that is based on self-sufficiency and renewable solutions – thus generating minimal to no emissions.

Located on Vallisaari, one of the most diverse islands in the Helsinki archipelago, Nolla is a compelling space for simple living in the realm of nature – yet in the immediate proximity of the Helsinki city centre. The cabin and its surroundings offer an excellent environment for a relaxing getaway from everyday life, where visitors have the chance to wind down and distance themselves from their daily routines and obligations.

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Jun 14, 2020

Helsinki-based designer, Robin Falck, has designed a zero-emission cabin, where every detail from decoration to heating has been executed with sustainable solutions.

With their Journey to Zero campaign, launching the summer of 2018, Finnish renewable energy company Neste was looking for ways to build a world with minimal emissions. The first lap of this journey, the Nolla cabin, was a challenge for Robin Falck to design and demonstrate a way of living that has a minimal carbon footprint in every aspect.

The cabin functions entirely on renewable energy and excludes most modern commodities. The cabin itself is a compact and entirely mobile 10m 2 dwelling, that can be assembled, dissembled and transported without any heavy machinery. It demonstrates a low-impact daily life, that is based on self-sufficiency and renewable solutions – thus generating minimal to no emissions.

Located on Vallisaari, one of the most diverse islands in the Helsinki archipelago, Nolla is a compelling space for simple living in the realm of nature – yet in the immediate proximity of the Helsinki city centre. The cabin and its surroundings offer an excellent environment for a relaxing getaway from everyday life, where visitors have the chance to wind down and distance themselves from their daily routines and obligations.

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