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Nov 1, 2022

Monarchs is a limited edition series of 888 generative NFTs by Eric Hu and Roy Tatum.

Butterflies emerging spontaneously from the ether. Each artwork features a unique one-of-a-kind butterfly with varying wing shapes, colors, bodies, and patterns. Each Monarch exists as both a still image and an animated video loop pinned decentrally on IPFS.

Monarchs are randomly generated by wing shape, color, patterns, body and environment, each with their own traits and designed to provide everyone with an equal chance of discovery. The randomness is a feature not a bug.

"Once I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither. I knew only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awoke, and there I was, a man once again. But now, I do not know whether I was a man dreaming that I was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming I that was a man.— Zhuangzi (莊子), 3rd century BC".

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Nov 1, 2022

Monarchs is a limited edition series of 888 generative NFTs by Eric Hu and Roy Tatum.

Butterflies emerging spontaneously from the ether. Each artwork features a unique one-of-a-kind butterfly with varying wing shapes, colors, bodies, and patterns. Each Monarch exists as both a still image and an animated video loop pinned decentrally on IPFS.

Monarchs are randomly generated by wing shape, color, patterns, body and environment, each with their own traits and designed to provide everyone with an equal chance of discovery. The randomness is a feature not a bug.

"Once I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither. I knew only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awoke, and there I was, a man once again. But now, I do not know whether I was a man dreaming that I was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming I that was a man.— Zhuangzi (莊子), 3rd century BC".

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