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Kunstmuseum Ahrenshoop by Staab Architekten
Sep 1, 2020

The artists’ colony in Ahrenshoop designed by Staab Architekten is situated on the narrow peninsula between Fischland and Darss in Germany. This sparsely populated area on the Baltic Sea, with its dunes and expansive meadows and fields, offers a wealth of landscapes.

Ever since the colony was founded in the late nineteenth century, it has attracted artists whose work and homes reflect a deep connection to the landscape and the region’s building tradition. An art museum was to be dedicated to these artists and the history of their colony. To this end a winding plot of land at the entrance to Ahrenshoop was made available along with a small construction budget.

The key to our architectural concept lay in the close relationship of the artists to the landscape. The goal was to create a building that at first glance seemed as if it had always been there, and only on second glance would unfold its autonomy as a cultural institution.

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Sep 1, 2020

The artists’ colony in Ahrenshoop designed by Staab Architekten is situated on the narrow peninsula between Fischland and Darss in Germany. This sparsely populated area on the Baltic Sea, with its dunes and expansive meadows and fields, offers a wealth of landscapes.

Ever since the colony was founded in the late nineteenth century, it has attracted artists whose work and homes reflect a deep connection to the landscape and the region’s building tradition. An art museum was to be dedicated to these artists and the history of their colony. To this end a winding plot of land at the entrance to Ahrenshoop was made available along with a small construction budget.

The key to our architectural concept lay in the close relationship of the artists to the landscape. The goal was to create a building that at first glance seemed as if it had always been there, and only on second glance would unfold its autonomy as a cultural institution.

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