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Mar 22, 2021

Subverting the idea of the nude, Chloe Rosser’s photographs intrigue, entice, confuse and repel.

Rosser’s sculptural figures embrace the surreal whilst retaining an absolute reality. Knowingly unnerving, her models contort themselves into fleshy geological ‘forms’. The work, speaks of the human condition and our increasing alienation from our own bodies. Function, continues this journey through meticulous, inclusive eyes as figures connects further. In these photographs, what should be intimately familiar is transformed into an unfamiliar sculpture.

Photographed in this contorted fashion, the body becomes almost inhuman; it is a mindless mass of flesh, a growth. Although the figures are abstract they still retain many human qualities; foetal like poses, flecks of freckles and the subtle arc of the spine. The forms photographed are a stark contrast to our society’s concept of an ‘ideal body’.

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Mar 22, 2021

Subverting the idea of the nude, Chloe Rosser’s photographs intrigue, entice, confuse and repel.

Rosser’s sculptural figures embrace the surreal whilst retaining an absolute reality. Knowingly unnerving, her models contort themselves into fleshy geological ‘forms’. The work, speaks of the human condition and our increasing alienation from our own bodies. Function, continues this journey through meticulous, inclusive eyes as figures connects further. In these photographs, what should be intimately familiar is transformed into an unfamiliar sculpture.

Photographed in this contorted fashion, the body becomes almost inhuman; it is a mindless mass of flesh, a growth. Although the figures are abstract they still retain many human qualities; foetal like poses, flecks of freckles and the subtle arc of the spine. The forms photographed are a stark contrast to our society’s concept of an ‘ideal body’.

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