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Bühelwirt Hotel by Pedevilla Architects captured by Thisispaper Studio
Zuzanna Gasior
Jul 5, 2022

The Bühelwirt aspires to be an outstanding example of how a traditional guesthouse can be extended sustainably, as envisioned the by local Pedevilla Architects.

As you approach the entrance, you are greeted by the old facade of a traditional mountain resort dating back to 1910. A guesthouse straight out of Wes Anderson’s movies. A careful observer will only be able to discern the delicate black silhouette of the newly designed extension created in collaboration with the architects. 

A short walk behind the building leads to a hidden gem of modern architecture. The black, massive volume is remarkably homogeneous, the solid structure of the soaring roof harmoniously incorporated with balconies and glazing. It looks like black magma; as if it's just been brought to the surface and solidified. The stylish and modern extension of the hotel features suites that overlook the rolling hills and mountains of the valley. 

In contrast, the interiors are softly constructed mainly with whitewashed wood, structural, gently rough plaster covering the ceilings and walls, and natural textiles to complete the feeling. Each room has been crafted with meticulous attention to detail − you get the feeling that nothing here is accidental. Bespoke furniture and hand-crafted copper lighting complement the whole. Everything has been designed to give guests the ultimate comfort. One can see the perfectly framed image of a nearby valley from each of the suites, which greatly enhances the overall atmosphere. 

The extension volume consists of 6 levels; most of them are dedicated to hotel suites, the ground floor with the main entrance and a restaurant offering fresh, local, and authentic foods, and level minus 1, the wellness area with a minimalistic panoramic sauna and a garden. 

The project’s key driving force are Mathias and Michaela, who are the power couple behind Bühelwirt. Together with Pedevilla Architects, they created the vision for the extension and renovation of the guesthouse, which Michaela inherited from her grandparents. By giving it a new shape with a conscious approach, together they breathed a new life into the old guesthouse. 

Sustainability is key to understanding Bühelwirt. In keeping with the philosophy of less is more, every aspect of running the hotel is carefully coordinated to save energy and reduce carbon emissions, ensuring that guests enjoy a slow-paced, modest vacation. A major virtue of Bühelwirt is its peace. This tranquil landscape of the Ahrntal valley has a wonderful calming effect, which will energize and recharge the guests in a natural and unhurried way.

You can find more info on the rental of the Bühelwirt via Urlaubs Architektur, a website that lists inspiring holiday homes and hotels across Europe.

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Zuzanna Gasior
Jul 5, 2022

The Bühelwirt aspires to be an outstanding example of how a traditional guesthouse can be extended sustainably, as envisioned the by local Pedevilla Architects.

As you approach the entrance, you are greeted by the old facade of a traditional mountain resort dating back to 1910. A guesthouse straight out of Wes Anderson’s movies. A careful observer will only be able to discern the delicate black silhouette of the newly designed extension created in collaboration with the architects. 

A short walk behind the building leads to a hidden gem of modern architecture. The black, massive volume is remarkably homogeneous, the solid structure of the soaring roof harmoniously incorporated with balconies and glazing. It looks like black magma; as if it's just been brought to the surface and solidified. The stylish and modern extension of the hotel features suites that overlook the rolling hills and mountains of the valley. 

In contrast, the interiors are softly constructed mainly with whitewashed wood, structural, gently rough plaster covering the ceilings and walls, and natural textiles to complete the feeling. Each room has been crafted with meticulous attention to detail − you get the feeling that nothing here is accidental. Bespoke furniture and hand-crafted copper lighting complement the whole. Everything has been designed to give guests the ultimate comfort. One can see the perfectly framed image of a nearby valley from each of the suites, which greatly enhances the overall atmosphere. 

The extension volume consists of 6 levels; most of them are dedicated to hotel suites, the ground floor with the main entrance and a restaurant offering fresh, local, and authentic foods, and level minus 1, the wellness area with a minimalistic panoramic sauna and a garden. 

The project’s key driving force are Mathias and Michaela, who are the power couple behind Bühelwirt. Together with Pedevilla Architects, they created the vision for the extension and renovation of the guesthouse, which Michaela inherited from her grandparents. By giving it a new shape with a conscious approach, together they breathed a new life into the old guesthouse. 

Sustainability is key to understanding Bühelwirt. In keeping with the philosophy of less is more, every aspect of running the hotel is carefully coordinated to save energy and reduce carbon emissions, ensuring that guests enjoy a slow-paced, modest vacation. A major virtue of Bühelwirt is its peace. This tranquil landscape of the Ahrntal valley has a wonderful calming effect, which will energize and recharge the guests in a natural and unhurried way.

You can find more info on the rental of the Bühelwirt via Urlaubs Architektur, a website that lists inspiring holiday homes and hotels across Europe.

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