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Jun 10, 2020

Scrublands by Antoine Bruy is about people who have turned their backs on modern civilization and its emphasis on consumerism and productivity, choosing instead the slower, if inconvenient, life that paces itself with nature.

"The series shows the changing of the seasons, and the newly adopted routine of daily life that follows the earth’s own rhythm. The photography is quiet, like the life its subjects chose, but also carries within it a deep resonance. The work fuses together then discards the landscape, humans, and objects within each frame, ultimately showing that it was inevitable all these elements would exist in this place. It’s immediately apparent a lot of time was invested into these poetic, polished images. More than anything, authenticity can be read in each photograph, which lends the series an unspoken air of trust. Bruy throws out a sobering question about our way of life and existence. The fact that he does it so eloquently in a language none other than photography is even more exceptional." — Sujong Song, Daegu Photo Festival

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Jun 10, 2020

Scrublands by Antoine Bruy is about people who have turned their backs on modern civilization and its emphasis on consumerism and productivity, choosing instead the slower, if inconvenient, life that paces itself with nature.

"The series shows the changing of the seasons, and the newly adopted routine of daily life that follows the earth’s own rhythm. The photography is quiet, like the life its subjects chose, but also carries within it a deep resonance. The work fuses together then discards the landscape, humans, and objects within each frame, ultimately showing that it was inevitable all these elements would exist in this place. It’s immediately apparent a lot of time was invested into these poetic, polished images. More than anything, authenticity can be read in each photograph, which lends the series an unspoken air of trust. Bruy throws out a sobering question about our way of life and existence. The fact that he does it so eloquently in a language none other than photography is even more exceptional." — Sujong Song, Daegu Photo Festival

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