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Hitoshi Arato
Jun 24, 2022

In 'After Lights Out', Paris-based visual artist Julien Mauve evokes a post-apocalyptic darkness broken by the rare flash of light.

Julien Mauve uses blue and black twilight landscapes to explore lone light sources in an attempt to comment on the growing occurrence of light pollution that is slowly infiltrating the darkest parts of the earth. In this moment just after sundown and just before total darkness when everything is still slightly illuminated by the blue twilight haze, Mauve mimics the wide reaching phenomena of man made light. Finding inspiration in photography’s own relationship with light, Mauve creates subtle yet majestic images that provide the viewer with an eerie scene and invites them to investigate the one illumination that Mauve supplies in each photograph.

"Night no longer exists. City lights cover up the stars, and cell phone screens lighten even the darkest of alleyways. And soon, imagine a world in which our lights render even the sun gratuitous. In the darkness of space, light is a beacon of hope. What if darkness in our world once again overtook the night and as an affect, transforming even the most insignificant light into an exception – a mystical phenomenon ? In a world in black and blue, the single incandescence of a bulb could be the greatest promise of an adventure about to start." — Julien Mauve

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Hitoshi Arato
Jun 24, 2022

In 'After Lights Out', Paris-based visual artist Julien Mauve evokes a post-apocalyptic darkness broken by the rare flash of light.

Julien Mauve uses blue and black twilight landscapes to explore lone light sources in an attempt to comment on the growing occurrence of light pollution that is slowly infiltrating the darkest parts of the earth. In this moment just after sundown and just before total darkness when everything is still slightly illuminated by the blue twilight haze, Mauve mimics the wide reaching phenomena of man made light. Finding inspiration in photography’s own relationship with light, Mauve creates subtle yet majestic images that provide the viewer with an eerie scene and invites them to investigate the one illumination that Mauve supplies in each photograph.

"Night no longer exists. City lights cover up the stars, and cell phone screens lighten even the darkest of alleyways. And soon, imagine a world in which our lights render even the sun gratuitous. In the darkness of space, light is a beacon of hope. What if darkness in our world once again overtook the night and as an affect, transforming even the most insignificant light into an exception – a mystical phenomenon ? In a world in black and blue, the single incandescence of a bulb could be the greatest promise of an adventure about to start." — Julien Mauve

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