Thisispaper is a curated medium for meaningful ideas which is run in the spirit of open collaboration movement.
Whether you’re a writer, photographer, editor, designer, developer, web curator or just like helping out, we’re always looking for people to help make Thisispaper even better.

Contribute as much as you like. Or as little. It’s totally up to you.
Contribute to Thisispaper to unleash creativity, diversity and freedom.

There is several ways how to contribute to Thisispaper.
Whether you’re a writer, photographer, editor, designer, developer, web curator or just like helping out, we’re always looking for people to help make Thisispaper even better.

Contribute as much as you like. Or as little. It’s totally up to you.
Join Thisispaper to gain global exposure and reach creative audience.
The content we curate and showcase on Thisispaper is made possible by our open-collaboration approach. By submitting and publishing your work, you can reach and inspire our 2 million audience who follow Thisispaper since 2011.
The content we curate and showcase on Thisispaper is made possible by our open-collaboration approach. By submitting and publishing your work, you can reach and inspire our 2 million audience who follow Thisispaper since 2011.

Slack community

By supporting our journalism, you can become part of a global community of over a million Guardian readers with a shared set of core values and a vision for a more hopeful world.

Every contribution counts.
Thisispaper is an open-collaboration medium for people, made by people. We believe that internet should be open and curated.

If you are a:
or any other creative mind

Submit your work (project, writings, video)
Join our slack community
Be Thisispaper's editor or curator

1. Thisispaper inform, educate and inspire people around the world since 2011.

We publish only best content which is curated by our contributors.

MEMBERSHIP - let's help us stay independent and open for everyone.
Thanks to membership our content will be open for everyone around the world.
We believe in
Become a member to help build the future of Thisispaper.
10% of all memberships will be sent to support non-profit organisations
You can find our list below:

1. Free Spirit (Free)
- access to all Thisispaper content
- weekly newsletter

2. Real Fan $3 per month
- access to all Thisispaper content
- weekly newsletter
- access to Thisispaper Slack Community

3. Best Friend (a contributor) $5 per month
All Fan features +
- project submission
- access to Thisispaper Slack Community
- bigger shop discounts
- future print issues subscription
- access to future Thisispaper digital products (see what we're developing)
- quarterly membership reports

4. A Patron $15 per month
Best Friend features +
- your name on the Patrons List

5. For brands
- job posting
- section patronage (more)
- Thisispaper talents

One-time donation