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Feb 24, 2023

In the heart of the Portuguese landscape, the Tamega House stands as a testament to the bold vision of architects Nuno M. Sousa and Hugo Ferreira.

Carved into a steep hillside, this sculptural concrete house boasts stunning views of the rolling hills and river below. Despite the complex and immeasurable nature of the plot, the architects were able to create a striking and functional design that seamlessly integrates with the rugged landform.

The monolithic structure is comprised of a main horizontal concrete body with "veiny" façades made of mortar and pine wood planks. These patterns create a unique framework that accentuates the natural features of the site, including the river, hill, and quarry. Blue-tinted openings of varying sizes punctuate the exterior shell, adding a playful touch to the otherwise imposing design.

Inside, the Tamega House is a study in simplicity. The program is straightforward - four bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a swimming pool, and a barbecue area. However, the architects have added their own creative touches, including an elongated entrance that frames the rocky massifs and a small reading area with panoramic views of the landscape. The result is a home that is both functional and visually stunning, a true testament to the power of good design.

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Feb 24, 2023

In the heart of the Portuguese landscape, the Tamega House stands as a testament to the bold vision of architects Nuno M. Sousa and Hugo Ferreira.

Carved into a steep hillside, this sculptural concrete house boasts stunning views of the rolling hills and river below. Despite the complex and immeasurable nature of the plot, the architects were able to create a striking and functional design that seamlessly integrates with the rugged landform.

The monolithic structure is comprised of a main horizontal concrete body with "veiny" façades made of mortar and pine wood planks. These patterns create a unique framework that accentuates the natural features of the site, including the river, hill, and quarry. Blue-tinted openings of varying sizes punctuate the exterior shell, adding a playful touch to the otherwise imposing design.

Inside, the Tamega House is a study in simplicity. The program is straightforward - four bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a swimming pool, and a barbecue area. However, the architects have added their own creative touches, including an elongated entrance that frames the rocky massifs and a small reading area with panoramic views of the landscape. The result is a home that is both functional and visually stunning, a true testament to the power of good design.

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